The Law Office of Lisa M. Brown

Practice Areas

Lisa M. Brown is currently working full time at a private company, but is still eager to assist you with these important documents:

Wills -
While people often prefer not to think about a will, this document is an integral part of protecting your family's well being if something should unexpectedly happen to you. 

Power of Attorney
Give your trusted family members the ability to make imporant decisions and sign documents in your stead. 

Healthcare Power of AttorneyEnsure your family knows how you want medical decisions handled should you become incapacitated, and specify who you want to empower to carry out those decisions. 

Articles of Incorporation and other business planning documents - Get your business off to a great start by having Lisa help you choose the proper business entity and file the appropriate paperwork. 

If you would like help with any other document not mentioned here, please feel free to contact Lisa for a free consultation.
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